Dienstag, 13. September 2011

I am 1 Vote against Weapon & War

Stop the EGO - Marlen

The existence of weapons stirred from the humans belief & participation of greed. Behind Greed is the hidden fear - fear of loss, fear of death, fear of survival. Through the participation & the belief that fear & greed exist we have created, accepted and allowed weapons as the certainty of life.

If anyone has a gun one believe to experience himself as powerful - not seeing that behind it those desire to have power over himself and through desiring this they will never have and live the real power of life - so to speak those are extreme enslaved through the seeking of power and has separated themselves from Life here as who we really are.

Everybody who participate and believe in this emotional re-action/experience of fear hold this illusion/deception of believing the necessity of fear alive and possibly also using/believing in it as protection. Fear in any Forms is useless, unproductive and a waste of time and further not real. Fear & Greed and all other emotions and feelings do not exist in our World. It only exist in our Fantasy-World-Disney called Mind-Consciousness which is in fact a System - providing a Disney-World for each and every single being differently thus we have different perspectives & values on situations & happenings & the creation of Life itself.

How can that be?

Life seeing as different - Life in fact as the inherent nature of it is obvious Equality & Oneness. The physical body can not die, it change only his form - Dust thou art, to Dust thou returnest. What die will be the ego because an ego with all definitions, believes & ideas do not really exist within our Reality but humanity has defined himself as that through thoughts, feelings and emotion – through various experiences during ones life-time but those experiences was never real.

So the creation & existence of weapons, guns & wars comes from the non-understanding and non-realizing of Life & the participation in something called Mind and believing that this is life but in fact debunked as the ultimate trap – the ultimate separation of Life – seldom one has questioned the mind.

All those who accept guns and weapons accept war, accept killers, accept murderer, accept unnecessary suffering, accept public abuse. This shows the responsibility of all humans for all our acceptances. Do unto another what you like to receive – is it really what we like? 

Between the existence of Weapons & Guns is our Money System or rather the “how we handling the money”. We have given money an higher value of Life and by this beLIEve we created something to protect it – both do not exist – neither the higher value nor the beLIEve of a Protection. A protection of something is seeing life in separation and not as ONE and a whole. 

Through the believe of “I must protect myself” we have prepared ourselves as murderer – ready to kill and abuse ones neighbor when a believe of thoughts came up that one is in hazard and not realizing that there exist no protection nor hazard in fact – that are chimeras which possibly the background of it become real. All actions & words what one speak during the life has a consequence for instance if you believe & fear that someone will attack you the probability is high that it goes back to you.

I am 1 Vote against Weapon & War not because of Fear but because I stand for World-Equality thus a dignified Life for everyone and everything and I realized that I am the Solution for Dignity. All what I see is me thus this world is me within me. All Systems, All abuse is within me like in any other too. Through my correction of Systems what I have accepted and allowed to exist within this world thus within me I change me and thus this world because through correcting a System within me which has directed/manipulated/enslaved me I start to be a/the self-directive-principle of myself and be no longer influenced/enslaved by thoughts/believes of the necessity of the existence various Systems thus I act differently.

Taking Self-Responsibility and applying Self-Forgiveness for all what we have accepted and allowed to exist is the Solution for a real better world. As long as we are driven from thoughts, emotions or feelings we have never lived as who we really are because in this we are only slaves and pre-programmed to re-act in several situations.

Do no longer allow abuse in any way what so ever - Let your ego & self-interests die & Stand up and be 1 Vote against Weapons and be 1 Vote for an EqualMoney System which works for the best of all – everything else is unacceptable.

Thank you

