Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011

Labor-Market and Labor-Conditions will change completly within an EqualMoney System

esel em

The current Labor-Conditions are from Country to Country from Job to Job different and there are a lot of Jobs without any Labor Conditions like in so called Third-World Regions where we have allowed Child-Labor, Slavery or any other kind of abuse.

My experience with the Labor-Market here in Austria was quite interesting – I am a trained retail salesman and I also have done a retrain into Ayurvedic Practicioner/Masseur. As I had no job I went to the AMS – in Austria we have an Labour-Market-Service short “AMS” where we get unemployment benefits and so long we take the money so long we must take every job what the Labour-Market-Service give us – of course they support us normaly first in our qualification-state.

And as I asked for any kind of jobs or rather as independent entrepreneur in my qualification line they told me that I am to long away as Seller and as Ayurvedic Practicioner is no chance because the job is not demand – verbatim they told me it is not in the politic-economical interest.

So I wasn´t really happy about this because I like giving massage because it supports the human being well in their process – it assist you to become intimate with you and further you can support the physical body in some manisted consequences. All other jobs what currently exist here on earth is from my perspective just for making money except the Desteni I Process

I don´t like to work in a Massage-Institute because they handle it also only for making money – you have no time to support the client effectivly – its like a mass-processing or assembly line work. So the Labor-Condition in working in a Massage-Institue isn´t for what is best for your client thus it is not what is best for all.

So when you look at any kind of jobs – they are primaly created to make money – and it is not conisdered if it works for what is best for all or not. We have allowed a system where you as employee has no right – you have only to do what the labor-market present and what the law of labor conditions say.

In many countries there exist not really a labor-market nor controlled labour-contitions - those people have a very small chance to work/earn money for their food, water and house. Therefore exist in various countries labor-exploitation/Slavery/child-labor because the companies from the so called “blessed countries” exploit those people which live in poverty because they have most no other option.

You can see how limited we are through the non-understanding of life – Life is expression as one and equal and shall not limated through a deception of each and every single human beings different values of life – All different values what exist is our separation as life and thus the suffering of each is predetermined. Different Values/Judgements exist only as a thought – how stupid has human beings become to valid a thought more than life itself.

If you have already opened your eyes and see the mass-abuse here on this earth and decided to practice Common Sense -what is best for all – you will starve – because you will earn no money for this because the selfish possessed human being is currently not interested in this – he/she has no eyes for life – just for his/her own profit he/she is ready to stir his finger.

Through this self-interested handling in any kind of situations we have created, accepted and allowed – all of us – the extrem of poverty and starvation, slavery and child-labor, war and all other abuse what currently exist. In this case you can see that each and every single human being is a murder because you allow it that this exist.

Equal Money will solve out all this bullshit because the Equal-Money-System is based to 100% on the principle of Equal as One - what is best for all. There is no exuse why people starve or why slavery and child-labor exist.

Some people mean that EqualMoney is an utopia – is it? Or is it because of your lack of want to take Self-Responsibility for life – for what you have accepted and allowed – but you are too comfortable to stand up and say stop because you feel nice and the rest of the world it leaves you cold but in fact there will be no mercy for you because you have to bear your self-created, accpeted and allowed consequence.

Realize that all Life what exist is One and Equal – if you do not dare to care on your neighbor you do not care on yourself because you make a different between you and your neighbor where in fact is no different and thus you separate you from life and this is the consequence you have to bear.

This is the main-point on what the EqualMoney-System will work – that all human beings get life back as who we really are. Within this practical living of One and Equal – what is best for all the current labor-conditions will make an immense change.

There will no longer exist a System which support exploitation of any Resources, humans or animals labour just for keeping alive a economic system which works only for a minority.

As long as you believe that the current System is ok the way it is you accept and allow abuse and you will not see that you are the one who is Responsible for it. Take a look on the whole picture – take a look inside yourself and you will see that situations of earth become worse and worse only through our ignorence to see what is really here and start to change and correct our accepted situation.

Equal Money stand for taking Self-Responsibility for all
Equal Money stand for giving all their basic needs
Equal Money stand for doing what is best for all
Equal Money stand for Dignity for all.
Equal Money stand for Life.

Join us and lets work together to perfect Equal Money in detail - lets get this done. Lets get real and become life back as who we really are.

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

US – Discussion with Barock Obama about Debt-Ceiling


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the raising of the upper limit is needed because through debt default a big crisis could undergo. Barock Obama will give no longer allowence to that. Because of the political stillstand Moody´s wanted already denial the US top-credit-rating called “AAA”. By whithdrawing the AAA-status could also be affected the business enterprises and mortgage lenders.

The first point is by holding the Debt-Ceiling low poverty will grow for sure. The other point is – of course said Mr. Ben Bernanke – The Federal Reserve Chairman – that we need a raising of the upper limit because the more debt the more interest are to pay – and who will get this taxes?       The Banks.

Debt – Debt – Debt – Interest – Interest – Interest

Did you see the ridiculous on the whole cash-settlement?

If you need money for instance to survive – to buy your basic needs – you have to pay for your money. If you have money but there is no food to buy you will die – but first you have pay for it. And if you earn money you have also to pay for it – ask your chief how many taxes he have to pay for one manpower – and also you pay from your salary.

And how will money produced?

Through printing.

Of course we have allowed many laws how the bank may produce money – but this happened all through the permission of humanity, nothing more. We as humanity have it created, accepted & allowed thus responsible for it – and we, each one of us is in the same time the solution.

1+1 Common Sense – we have only to say stop – till here no further - I do no longer allow this kind of system which support separation and abuse – I allow myself to stand up for a new Monatary System – which works stable and well for everyone equally. Life is more than what happened currently here on earth.

Greed & Self-Interest should no longer be allowed as Life. What is best for you is not equal best for all but
What is best for all is equal best for you. 

EqualMoney is in preparation.
Join us and lets work together.

Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011

Italy – Debts are scratching on the Window – How will this end?

How it seems is Italy the next Country who need support with a Bailout. Yields from italian government bound climbing up to 6% – thats the highest stand since 1997.

We all can observe that the Debts in Europe and on the whole world a growing and growing. To shove the money from one country to another seems isn´t a real Solution – because Money becomes in that case not more.

What we need – and thats pure Common Sense – is a New Money System – a System which works stable – a System which do not support Abuse – a System which do not support depletion – a System which do not support war – a System which do not support poor & rich in extrem ratios – a System which support and include each an every single human being, Animal and Nature equally – a System which support Dignity for all Life.

I speak from an EQUAL MONEY System.

You have to understand that the current Monetary System is based on and was created for Self-Interest – The effect is winning or loosing – within them there is no right to live but to fight and this no matter what is unacceptable.

Responsible for the whole scenario are not only few peoples – no – each and every single human being which participate within this System and have money or work for money or whatever and give money an higher value as Life is Responsible for it.

So to speak those with money are the real mass-murderer here on earth because here die many people because of having no money or fighting for money – starvation, poverty, war, child-labour, child-prostitution, ….  all those exist because of your handling wiht money – witout exceptions.

The state-debt whats going on now in Europe isn´t really worth talking about. Those who starve – those who have no food to eat or rather no money to buy food – thats the real shit.

We produce alot of food – too much – too much that we throw it on the garbage instead of standing up for a fair-share worldwide.

EqualMoney take everything and everyone in consideration and take care for/on everything – We have to realize that Dignity can only exist when each one Stand and practice what is best for all.

Take Self-Responsibility for all what you have accepted and allowed and use your Common Sense and support an Equal Money System – what is best for all.

The Solution is here – its just the question when YOU realize that YOU are the solution.

Join Us and lets work together until it is done – bevore you have to fight for survive.