Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

US – Discussion with Barock Obama about Debt-Ceiling


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the raising of the upper limit is needed because through debt default a big crisis could undergo. Barock Obama will give no longer allowence to that. Because of the political stillstand Moody´s wanted already denial the US top-credit-rating called “AAA”. By whithdrawing the AAA-status could also be affected the business enterprises and mortgage lenders.

The first point is by holding the Debt-Ceiling low poverty will grow for sure. The other point is – of course said Mr. Ben Bernanke – The Federal Reserve Chairman – that we need a raising of the upper limit because the more debt the more interest are to pay – and who will get this taxes?       The Banks.

Debt – Debt – Debt – Interest – Interest – Interest

Did you see the ridiculous on the whole cash-settlement?

If you need money for instance to survive – to buy your basic needs – you have to pay for your money. If you have money but there is no food to buy you will die – but first you have pay for it. And if you earn money you have also to pay for it – ask your chief how many taxes he have to pay for one manpower – and also you pay from your salary.

And how will money produced?

Through printing.

Of course we have allowed many laws how the bank may produce money – but this happened all through the permission of humanity, nothing more. We as humanity have it created, accepted & allowed thus responsible for it – and we, each one of us is in the same time the solution.

1+1 Common Sense – we have only to say stop – till here no further - I do no longer allow this kind of system which support separation and abuse – I allow myself to stand up for a new Monatary System – which works stable and well for everyone equally. Life is more than what happened currently here on earth.

Greed & Self-Interest should no longer be allowed as Life. What is best for you is not equal best for all but
What is best for all is equal best for you. 

EqualMoney is in preparation.
Join us and lets work together.

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