What is Free-Speech & Free-Choice? Do they really exist? And what would be different in an Equal Money System?
Free-Speech & Free-Choice started to exist in that way as we currently know when the EGO or Self-Interests started to exist. We have not yet realized the consequences about our beLIEf and actions according to Free-Speech and/or Free-Choice because not really many people have done their homework to understand Life in all its various forms/systems/design.
Free-Speech means that it is allowed to speak whatever one want to speak – so, for instance when I experience an emotion of hate against someone and in my mind circles a word/sentence like “you are a fucker, I hate you” then I am entitled to say this to you – but what have I missed then in this conversation?
Self-Responsibility & a totally understanding of how the life works and how I have created Life as I currently perceive it.
Each Word, Each Feeling/Emotion what one have or experience inside himself is a created pattern which come from the past through past experiences or something what one have become taught. Further each word with the entire definition of it is within those who claim on Free-Speech and not realizing that if you speak something or feel something unto another – you are it – because you have the definition with a feeling/emotion within yourself - “another” is just an excuse and justification of your abusive inner world. Therefore is Free-Speech how it currently exist absolute abuse and no longer allowed.
With Free-Choice it is similar. Have we a real Choice?
We can choose to walk left or right but it isn´t really a choice because both we have learned from the past and thus it is a pre-programmed condition. Or have you ever questioned the situation of Children who starve? Do they have free-choice?
We are already born into a pre-programmed condition where we can only choose for things what are already here.
Another point is that to choose something one have to make a decision in one´s mind – “where should I go” – by asking this question one participate and possibly beLIEve in a thought which is obviously a deception of what is really here and what one can really do in this Reality. So you act not as a Self-Directive-Principle as the moment of Life but you are directed, manipulated and enslaved through a fairy-tale/illusion called mind.
The only Choice what is real & urgent needed and for sure not pre-programmed because otherwise we would have already a different Life-Expression here on earth is to choose “expressing oneself in a way what is best for all no matter what” – lets give the people in starvation the same choice like we, “THE ELITE” (those with money) have and from this starting point of “Acting as what is best for all” one start walking the process of Equality.
And that is it what EQUAL MONEY support.
Free-Speech in a way where abuse will not occur – neither to oneself nor to another because of the realization that Life itself will never abuse Life. If abuse exist it is EGO-Driven and thus Life isn´t lived.
And when all peoples bellies is satisfied, noone live in poverty, all are supporting & treating each other equally then slowly but surly we will give up Free-Choice because we realized the point of being the breath of Life and acting moment by moment.
So, I decided to do and act as “Equal as One as What is best for all” no matter what.
Who are you?
Are you still an Abuser by allowing abuse to exist?
Investigate EqualMoney for all and be part of a group of people who work on oneself & on this world to make this world a better place. Lets perfecting World-Systems for the benefit of all.
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